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Rosali Schweizer presents her new kinetic sculptures "Explosive".

Rosali Schweizer's new work, entitled "Explosives" takes its inspiration from
the last scene of Michelangelo Antonioni's film, "Zabriskie Point". Sequences full of bright colors that occur in slow motion and which scatter throughout space, thus achieving that the image go beyond the movie screen on which it is projected. The color pieces that
make up the "Explosives" turn and are reflected in such a way that any atmospheric event, such as wind, or daylight, is captured around it.

On watching the movie "Zabrieskie Point" we wonder if indeed we were actually witnessing the explosion of a real house or that of a mockup.

These type of questions arise on observing Rosali Schweizer's own "Explosives" work more closely. Are we witnessing reality or a duplicate? Are we feeling the wind or perceiving its shadow? Are we perceiving its movement or is it us who are moving?

In the same manner as in Antonioni's film, the world of comfort is allegorically atomized in the desert's nature; the colors of Rosali Schweizer's "Explosives" depicts the festive and reflecting trail of the power of nature. Watching them we are under the impression that nature is simply expressing itself within a mockup.


From June 11, 2015 to July 31, 2015

Days: Daily
Schedule: 12:00
Location: Palma
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Date last modified: May 8, 2023