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Platja de Palma has 5 kilometres of free Wi-fi network in 29 points of access from today.

May 28, 2014

Álvaro Gijón: "The installation is remarkable for its Simplicity of connection and it doesn't have any cost for the Town Council of Palma".

Palma, May 27, 2014.- The Deputy Major of Tourism and manager of the Consorcio de la Platja de Palma, Álvaro Gijón, has launched today officially the Wi-Fi network of Platja de Palma which takes up 5 kilometres of the sea-front, with 29 access points and a management capacity of more than 100,000 daily connections in high season.

This Project, pioneering throughout Europe, this Project stands out for its Simplicity of connection, benefits a large tourist population and it doesn't have any cost for the Town Council of Palma owing to the public-private collaboration in the management and advertising promotion of the network.

During the presentation, the councillor of Tourism has been accompanied by Tomeu Crespí, coordinator of the SmartOffice project, Joaquín Inarejos, representatives of the asociació Hotelera de la Platja de Palma, members of the service concession Mar de Mallorca and representatives of the companies Mallorca Wifi, network's installation and Grupo Pabisa, sponsor's advertising.

Álvaro Gijón explained that the aim when it come to time to install this Wi-fi network in Platja de Palma "It's that the tourist can do in their destination the same they do in their place of origin, sharing their leisure time with family and friends for free."

The Deputy Major emphises "the Simplicity of connection to Wi-Fi network, since the user can do it accessing to their Factbook and connecting with Pabisa webside or directly through any available Wi-fi networks".

Álvaro Gijón said that, the installation of the Wi-Fi network "hasn't had any cost for the Town Council of Palma, since the company responsible for its installation, Mallorca Wifi, Experts to recoup its investment through advertising contracts".

In addition to the Simplicity of connection and zero cost of the installation for Cort, Álvaro Gijón recalled that "another advantage is that through the connection to the network, it can be monitored what the tourist do at certain times, information that will help us to run actions in other areas, such as public safety since it can locate population points at certain times of the day". The Councillor pointed out that tourists can also receive other information "such as messages to visit centre of tourist attractions of the city or cultural and leisure activities which are taking place in Palma".

Date last modified: March 13, 2023