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PalmaActiva offers nautical courses to obtain the passage's basic certificate.

April 24, 2013

The registration term will begin the next May 2.

The satisfaction of students who have completed the able seaman is of 9.6 out of 10.

Palma, April 24,2013.- The next 2nd of May will be open the registration term for the passage's basic certifícate course which plans to make the Town Council of Palma, through PalmaActiva, during this year. Esperanza Crespí, PalmaActiva's president stresses that" within the programme framework "Navega 2013" the first programmed able seaman course has been already done, the 100% of students have been eligible and we want to highlight that the students' general satisfaction have been 9.6 out of 10"

The dates for the passage's basic certificate course are:

Training course Start date end date timetable.

Passage's basic certifícate 1 10/06/2013 12/06/2013

From Monday to Friday, from 8 to 14:30h.

Passage's basic certifícate 2 17/06/2013 19/06/2013.

 From Monday to Friday, from 8 to 14:30h.

The pre-enrolment can be done online on the Website

To do this course is indispensable to have the basic training qualification. The passage's basic training is required to captains, bridge and machines officers and sailors or staff with the role of passage assistance in emergency situations in boats of up to of 300 passengers. This training is the previous level to the RO-RO certificate.

Date last modified: March 13, 2023