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PalmaActiva encourages entrepreneurship among young students, the first edition of Eureka contest Junior convener

October 31, 2012

The councilor of Commerce, work and youth of the city of Palma, Crespi, points out that the event aims to Esperanza that students can simulate the activity of an entrepreneur promoting creativity, decision-making and competition.

Palma, October 31st 2012.-the city of Palma, through PalmaActiva, Local development agency that aims to promote and encourage employment, as well as the entrepreneurial spirit of citizenship, has held the contest of ideas turned into business business projects Eureka ¿ Junior ¿ that has as main objectives to support and promote entrepreneurial culture among students and members of the schools and stimulate the entrepreneurial spirit of the students.

With the aim of fostering and promoting entrepreneurial initiatives, too, in the educational sphere, and promote the interest of students towards self-employment, entrepreneurial culture and the creation of enterprises, the competition is aimed at students enrolled in public and private schools in the courses of secondary, second Middle and upper grade training cycles.

Through Eureka and Junior is intended, as has pointed out, that Esperanza Crespi "students can build their own business plan, learn, make decisions and compete with each other, simulating the activity of an entrepreneur". Crespi has added that "the aim is that students develop a business plan, which must be original, unpublished and performed directly by the students themselves, which must be supervised by one of his teachers. In order to give a higher value to the contest, we'll make a phase PalmaActiva from Eureka Junior training programme addressed to each education center, will remember with each professor conducting a maximum of 5 training workshops. "

The training workshops provided by PalmaActiva will be performed between the months of November and April and will be the following:

"Born". Informative lecture about the promotion of entrepreneurial culture with the aim of encouraging the creation of new businesses.

Workshop "learn to undertake." Informative and practical workshop on the process of elaboration of the business plan and its contents.

Workshop "enterprising Skills." Its aim is to offer practical, results-oriented and business training based on the development of entrepreneurial capacities for the creation and management of new businesses.Workshop "enterprising ideas-generating emerging sectors." The goal is to give students the tools to define a business idea that complies with the requirements of initial feasibility.

Workshop "how to make a business plan?". Analyze whether an idea is viable inevitably requires the completion of a business plan. The objective of the session is to present the why and how of making a business plan.

From PalmaActiva the three winning projects will be selected and assessed and reward gift vouchers worth $ 2,500, providing 1,500 and 500 euros, respectively, for the three best projects presented in the closing ceremony which will be held alongside with members of Eureka contest 2013.

Eureka Business Centers allow participants, Junior to integrate in an environment of business simulation and motivarà towards entrepreneurial culture.

Applications for participation in printed format must be delivered to the registry of PalmaActiva located on the street, 22, of Palma, relief in the opening hours from 9.00 am to 2.00 pm Monday to Friday. They can also be presented in electronic format or e-mail

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Date last modified: March 13, 2023