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Municipal libraries will have a new service of tablets.

April 17, 2015

These devices must be used in libraries.

Palma, April 17, 2015.- Municipal libraries of Son Ferriol, Son Sardina, Son Ximelis and Coll d'en Rabassa, will have, from next Monday, a new service of tablets for users who are of legal age .

These tablets will serve as a tool for Redding, searching information and Entertainment. Touch tablets query service will be carried out exclusively in the library, tablets cannot be removed from the library. The only requirement is to ask the librarian showing some official document. The service duration will be one hour.

This service of query has as main objective to make easier the access to electronic devices as support tool of reading promotion to increase technological resources in the library and as a mean to contribute to the development of the Societat de la Informació i del coneixament from the Public Library. .

This service is available for any people who are of legal age and who has a library card in force, as long as this is not blocked by unfulfilment of the rules of lending libraries of the network of municipal libraries of Palma. The user when uses this service accepts the statute which govern it.

Date last modified: March 13, 2023