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Mayor Mateo Isern has congratulated officers of the UII and the GAP units of Palma's Local Police Force

July 3, 2012

Palma, the 14th of December, 2011.- The Mayor of Palma, Mateo Isern, paid a visit to the officers of the sections of the Immediate Intervention Unit (the UII) and the Preventative Action Group (the GAP) of Palma's Local Police Force in order to congratulate them on the results of recent police operations which centred on eliminating outdoor, nocturnal drinking parties and the closure of illegal discos in the municipal area of Palma. Mayor Isern was accompanied by the Councillor for Public Safety, Guillem Navarro, the Superintendent in Chief of the Local Police Force, Antoni Vera and the General Manager of the Department of Public safety, Enrique Calvo.

Mayor Mateo Isern has congratulated officers of the UII and the GAP units of Palma's Local Police Force

Date last modified: April 28, 2023