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EMAYA and the San Pedro fishermen association have signed a collaboration agreement for the collection of the waste collected with the fishing nets.

July 2, 2012

Environment Deputy Mayor and company president, Andreu Garau has pointed out that the agreement "is essential to contribute to the marine environment improvement."

Palma, July 2nd 2012.- Environment Deputy Mayor and Municipal company of water and sewerage (EMAYA), Andreu Garau and the San Pedro fishermen association president of Palma, Rafael Mas have signed today a collaboration agreement in which fishermen promise to keep the waste that they daily collect with the fishing nets, while EMAYA will provide them with containers to deposit these waste. The agreement presents as innovation that EMAYA will provide different kind of containers so that fishermen can separate the waste collected from the sea for its future recycling.

Environment Deputy Mayor and EMAYA president expressed his satisfaction for this agreement and emphasized that the collaboration with fishermen in the cleaning of waste found in the coastal waters "is absolutely essential because we contribute decisively to create an added value in the improvement of marine environment avoiding the degradation that generate the dumping of waste and rubbish, on the other hand we achieve a greater efficiency as regards cleanliness , contributing to the coastal waters and seabed conservation"

Fishermen association president has added that "the association has been collected marine waste for years. What happen is that through this collaboration what we do is formalize the agreement, Not only will EMAYA deal with special waste that we collect such as truck wheels and other bulky but they will provide different kind of selective rubbish containers so that we can separate the waste collected". p>

- San Pedro fishermen association of Palma have about 40 fishing boats, most of them destined for minor fishing equipment but they also have some trawlers.

Date last modified: March 13, 2023