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Discounts of more than 30% in Municipal Car Park Season Tickets

November 3, 2011

The Municipal Car Park Company has implemented efficiency measures which have been designed to simplify ticket fees, promote the use of car parks on the outskirts of the city and encourage quarterly payments.

Palma, the 3rd of November, 2011.- The Municipal Car Park Company (the SMAP) has begun the implementation of a new administrative model which benefits users and promotes the use of car parks through affordable prices, while implementing savings measures. These measures aim to reduce the company¿s current debt situation.

The Municipal Car Park Company will offer more competitive fees in order to promote rotation in city centre car parks (at the Via Roma and Antonio Maura facilities), as a more dynamic use of these facilities is required, while this policy will promote parking figures through the use of season tickets in out of town car parks (at the Parc de Sa Riera, Carrer Manacor and Santa Pagesa), in order to benefit local residents, reduce car parking on the streets and make efficient and profitable use of company infrastructures.

Discounts of more than 30% in Municipal Car Park Season Tickets

Filling Car Parks and Promoting Public Transport
The SMAP is now taking action in order to endorse the use of vacant spaces in car parks. SMAP President, Sebastià Sansó affirmed that ¿we are making tremendous efforts focusing on the park and ride areas of Carrer Manacor and Parc de sa Riera and we will continue with this policy, which seeks to avoid traffic entering the centre while encouraging public transport use within the city¿.

The initial steps are already paying off in Parc de Sa Riera, where workers and clients from different bodies (schools, offices, clinics, insurance offices, etc) located near the car park have been offered a special parking 24-hour, Monday to Sunday subscription price, with monthly and quarterly payment options. Councillor Sansó added ¿According to the final figures for October, we have attained an increase in the number of subscriptions of 2.45%, which when viewed over a 12-month period represents an increase of around 30%¿.

New Season Tickets

The new 2012 season tickets will be simplified in four different types: monthly, quarterly, 12-hour and 24-hour. The new prices represent an average reduction of 20% in 24 hour monthly season tickets and 25% in the cost for 24-hour quarterly parking tickets. These discounts amount to a 31.5% reduction in fees for the car parks of Carrer Manacor and Santa Pagesa. Furthermore, the 12-hour season tickets will encourage a more efficient use of resources, as the same parking area can be used during the day by people who work in the area and at night by local residents with a ticket for nocturnal parking.

The introduction of quarterly payment will further reduce season ticket prices while resulting in a significant cost reduction in the issuing of bills and receipts, together with savings in interest accrued from debts, as payment will be made in advance.

Cooperation between Municipal Bodies

The SMAP is also undertaking actions in cooperation with other municipal companies in order to promote the use of car parks while providing benefits to users. In October SMAP Board of Directors approved a cooperation agreement between the company and the Municipal Institute of Sport (the IME), which stipulates that the 17,701 members of the IME will be able to benefit from a 10% discount on the price of season tickets at any SMAP car park (Antoni Maura, Via Roma, Parc de Sa Riera, Marquès de la Sénia, Carrer Manacor, Carrer Santa Pagesa and Carrer Comte d'Ampúries). This agreement also establishes that the SMAP will offer the organisers and sponsors of activities organised by the IME free vouchers for 30 minutes, 1 or 2 hours¿ parking, during events, in any nearby municipal car park



Date last modified: April 28, 2023