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Cort and Defence signed the Son Busquets agreement which urban development will contribute with an income of €15,5 millions.

July 24, 2012

The Mayor of Palma, Mateu Isern thanked to the General Director of the Ministry of Infrastructure "the diligence and capacity to dialogue" the Central Government which has made to sign the document possible.

Palma, 24th of July 2012.- The Mayor, Mateu Isern and the General Director of Infrastructure of the Government of Spain, Eduardo Zamarrita signed today in Cort the Son Busquets agreement that will make easier the development of the urban plan in the old barracas of the Cas Capistol neighbourhood. Once the Plan Especial de Reforma Interior (PERI) to this space gets the definitive approval, expected at the end of the current year.

The Mayor of Palma thanked to Zamarrita "the diligence and capacity to dialogue" of the Ministry of Defence through this first year of term, "which has made posible to take up again this agreement and signed it today".

Isern assured that the agreement sign "It's absolutely positive both for the city and the Ministry of Defence and we'll try to continue despite the difficulties that current economic situation entail has its subsequent development and may involve in not much time the generation of a new economic activity".

In this sense, He reminded that the Plan Especial para Son Busquets affects a surface of 110,000m2, of which the 68,52% is the scope of assignment of the Town Council of Palma and consider the construction of 831 valued homes and subsidized housing, a green area of 25,000m2, 35,000m2 destined to roads and the rest will be destined to public facilities. This plan also value in 75,000m2 the roof of the shopping center and consider that the ground floors of the building can set up shops.

The Town Council of Palma estimates that the urban development in the old barracks of Son Busquets can represent an income of €15,5 millions to city coffers: €7,08 millions in exploitation and others €8,44 millions in construction taxes.

For that reason, Isern explained that he trusts in having the definitive approval to special plan of Son Busquets at the end of this year. "From this moment we can begin to look for private investors interested in the land management".

The Mayor reminded that the Government team "has respected all the parameters which have been negotiated with the old consistory because we consider that in this moment the most important thing is expedited to the full the approval of this agreement to try to make the possibility of the urban development of Son Busquets available to the city". All, He added to the object to make the econimic reactivation through this space possible.

For his part, the General Director of Infraestructura of the Ministry of Defence, Eduardo Zamarrita specified that this agreement " is good for the city and if it's good for the city it is also for the Armed Forces". In this sense, he reminded that "one of the obligations the FF.AA and the Ministry of Defence have is to work for everybody and in this case to work to everybody entail to introduce in the economic circuit a series of lands that were not being used and something that is not use nowadays is a deadly sin".

Date last modified: March 13, 2023